First of all, I want to thank Monica at Lone Star Winery for being the perfect hostess for my very first book reading.
I had just received the galley of my first novel yesterday in the mail. I had it in my bag when my friend Sonja, her daughter Jennifer, her friend Justin, my daughter Alyssa, and I were sitting down sipping Lone Star wines. With the TV on and others at the bar, I began my very first reading, holding my very first copy of my very first novel. I started on the first page, and when I was done, the TV was off and everyone was listening to my words.
I cannot tell you how meaningful that was for me. I've always wanted to get a novel published, and the next thing I want is to have readings of my novel. I've imagined myself doing just that every time I had listened to Jane Smiley, Joyce Carol Oates, Wally Lamb, and many others stand at a podium, hold their books up, and read their words. I always saw myself up there. I always heard my voice. I always saw myself reading my own words on pages with my name on them.
And last night I experienced it all without the podium. I was sitting on a bar stool, so my perspective was still slightly higher.
So, Monica and everyone else in the Winery, thank you for a dream coming true. And just as I was finished reading, my best friend from high school, who coerced me into stepping out of my mundance and giving a voice to Grace (my main character) called me and I got to tell her the newest great news. We had talked for years about her going with me on a book tour. Who knows? That too could happen.
It's been awhile since I've really put the time into thread painting like I
used to do. Thread painting is using a sewing machine needle like a
paintbrush ...
10 years ago