Monday, August 2, 2010


Friday afternoon I was driving down Louisiana when I saw a sign. Now, I've driven and walked down Louisiana more times than I could ever count, and have never, not once, seen this sign, but I did last Friday.

Right after seeing this sign, I ran into a man I'd been involved with, but hadn't seen in months. He got into the vehicle I was driving, and I drove to a parking lot where we could talk. We hugged and kissed and cried over our sadness in how the relationship had turned out. He had chosen to cut me out of his life because I didn't want what he wanted. We could no longer even be friends. It was over. Totally. Finally, and sadly over. I was sad to lose a dear friend, and he was sad to lose a lover.

Saturday morning I had to pick up my daughter at her friend's house. As I parked the car across the street from his house, I noticed a sign in the neighbor's yard that read: "Protected by Smith," and just hours later I was out with my daughter's friend's father talking until 2 in the morning about everything from flying small aircraft to how a man can open up a woman with his eyes. He got to show me that last one.

We kissed and hugged and touched for the next three hours. It was the most rapturous experience imaginable, that is until I had a vision of this man I'm fond of in Colorado pop into my head. And, at that point I was having difficulty not calling my date by another's name. 

The next day the friend's father texted me, and when I hit the reply button, it wouldn't respond. I hit it three more times and it went directly to texts I'd received from my friend in Colorado.

Now, by this time I'm looking at all the synchronicities of how this Colorado man has popped up at all the most interesting times. You see, his last name is Smith. And, on Facebook a friend of mine posted this tidbit of information: one definition of 'smith' is: 'one who makes or effects anything' ..... 'effect' being the key word here, and I responded with: Effect -- the power to influence a result.

Hm, my events with some absolutely wonderful kissable men came to abrupt halts after seeing Smith signs, and not just the ones posted outside buildings, but also the inability to reply to the man I had been kissing on for three hours, and instead get sent to Mr. Smith's texts. What????

And now, I'm looking at the time and realizing that the three-hour-kiss-fest man was supposed to call me about an hour ago, and he hasn't. How can he? I'm writing about being secured and protected by Smith.

1 comment:

  1. After a few texts from Mr. Smith today I realized that I needed to clarify a few things here. As he and I are developing our relationship the one thing we have promised ourselves is to show up as authentic and honest as we can. Well, I've taken that into all my relationships, and this blog post is about how the universe provided me with some contrasts. That's all.

    The Smithster does not have any power over what happens in my life. Instead, what I really wanted to point out was how the universe works with me using signs that catch my attention. Seeing a sign that read: Protected by ADT would do nothing for me, but seeing Smith made me take notice. Showing me his face while kissing someone that wasn't authentic and honest threw the promise I made to myself in my face.

    Pretty cool, huh? I pay attention to signs, and so that's how I know when I'm on the right track. I realize now that not everyone does that, so clarification here has been needed.
